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Dirt Bike Safety

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We assume you already know how to choose the right dirt bike for your child and what are popular models available on market right now. There’s one more important topic, however, that we left for the end – and that is safety in mini bikes for children.

The first consideration regarding safety for kids riding dirt bikes is whether they are physically ready. A youngster should be comfortable getting on and off the bike and holding it up. There should be no problem reaching the brake and gear shift levers, and familiarity with how they function is just as important. Kids must learn all the working mechanics of a bike, such as a starter and a throttle.

As far as the right size of dirt bike, a general rule is that a 6- to an 11-year-old child should ride a dirt bike with an engine size of 70 ccs and lower, while 12- to 15-year old kids can ride a bike up to 90 ccs. Always err on the side of caution when deciding on the size of the bike for a kid and do not buy a larger one with the thought that the child will grow into the bike.

Proper riding gear is essential for the safety of kids riding dirt bikes. Of course, the most critical piece of equipment is a helmet (we recommend a full-face helmet like this one), but it is also a good idea to purchase a protective vest, riding boots, and gloves. Make sure that all these items fit snugly and properly because the loose-fitting gear is clumsier and can distract the rider.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to look for a complete set, like this popular TCMT set for young off-road riders.

Whether a parent has riding experience or not, it never hurts to enroll a child in a dirt bike riding school. The advantage of a riding school is that they will be learning with other kids from a professional and there are none of the emotionally charged interactions that can happen when any parent teaches their child how to do something that can be potentially dangerous.

These instructors can also teach them about trail safety and rules, such as not racing their friends on a single-track trail.

Different aspects of riding that kids need to learn to ride safely are things like correct riding posture, smooth clutch and throttle control, lower body control, and the right way to turn. Counterbalancing, riding over obstacles, traversing hills, K-turns and U-turns are essential as well.

Kids also need to learn how to maintain a safe distance from other riders and the leading causes of accidents on the trail. Make sure that kids know never to ride alone so that they have another rider around in case of a mishap.